Company Profile
Company Profile
Company Name | Hokkaido Milk Company |
Head Office |
3-6-6, Showa, Hakodate City, Hokkaido, 041-0812, Japan Required time the Hokkaido Milk Company head office
Sales office |
The time required to the Hokkaido Milk Company Sales Headquarters & Tokyo Sales Division
Managing Director | Hidehisa Tajima |
Foundation |
Capital | ¥ 75 million |
Fiscal year | End March |
Business contents |
Employee | 338 people (as of end of March, 2022) |
1931 | Started a seafood wholesaler in Hakodate City (Distributor of Nichiro Fishery, Nippon Suisan ) |
1949 | April, founded Tajima Sangyo Co., Ltd. (president: Kyuzo Tajima) manufacturing of fresh milk, ice cream. Newly established Hakodate Factory in Horai-cho, Hakodate city, collecting milk daily quantity 5.6 t. |
1955 | October, milk powder plant is newly established |
1962 | July, newly established a dairy products manufacturing factory complex in Showa-cho, Hakodate City, started operation, collecting milk daily quantity 28.1 t. |
1971 | September, moved headquarters to Showa, Hakodate, collecting milk quantity 56.3 t. |
1979 | May, expansion of fresh milk plant (capacity 10 tons per hour, 2 units) |
1981 | May, newly established condensed milk plant (continuous manufacturing system) |
1983 | December, butter plant upgraded |
1985 | March, milk powder plant upgraded |
1990 | June, milk receival area upgraded |
1992 | April, butter cream plant upgraded |
1994 | September, fresh milk and yogurt plant upgraded |
1996 | September, expansion of dessert plant |
2003 | June, Hokkaido Milk Company Co., Ltd. celebrates its 50th anniversary |
2007 | September, newly established cream cheese plant |
2009 | January, condensed milk plant upgraded |
2016 | August, capital and business alliance with Nipponham (NH Foods Ltd.) |
2016 | December, manufacturing entity and sales entity integrated into one entity |
2021 | March newly established retail cream cheese plant |
2023 | July, fresh milk plant upgraded |
2023 | August, changed English company name from Hokkaido Dairy Product Co., Ltd to Hokkaido Milk Company |